Pick up this study. Let it be the first step in discovering the freedom God has in store for you. I appreciate it. The Lord sees it. And you will benefit from it.
— Laura Seifert

forgive. freedom is worth it.

About the Book:

Do you ever feel like you’re carrying a lot of unnecessary baggage that keeps you from living life or running your race?

We are preoccupied by any number of distractions that command our attention. The worst part is that the baggage is extraneous. We are the ones who choose to lug it around, even though it often breeds doubt, compromise, bitterness, and regret.

The key to lightening that load is forgiveness.

After teaching on the subject for more than a decade, Laura Seifert understands that not only does God call us to forgive, but He demonstrates forgiveness over and over again throughout His story. If we look in His Word, we can find truth.

Laura’s convicting self-reflection forces you to analyze the state of your heart. Is there a certain face that comes to mind when you think about forgiveness? Are you in a position to forgive? Do you know where to begin to mend a wounded relationship?

Know that you are not alone. Conquer your fear. Push through the anxiety. Face the intimidation head on, because there’s something very important on the other side.



I thought I understood forgiveness. I took pride in keeping short accounts with others and living unoffended. Then, I heard Laura’s teaching on forgiveness and I was hit between the eyes. There were definitely people who had made my secret ‘list’ and I had work to do with the Lord. Laura has a gift for making the principles of forgiveness applicable to each of us and helping us understand the freedom that comes with clearing our list.
— Courtney Garrett, Author of 101: Exploring The Basics of the Christian Faith, blogger for Sacred Story Ministries, and Bible study teacher
Who does not want to experience true beauty from ashes? Walking through the Refiner’s fire is not easy, but it’s worth it. Allow Laura’s honest and hilarious voice to guide you through the redemptive path to true freedom through forgiveness.
— Natalie Green, director of strategic partnership for Africa New Life Ministries
Hardly a day goes by that unforgiveness and bitterness isn’t a pressing topic that comes up in my office with clients. Laura Seifert’s new book is a great source of encouragement and direction in our journey to live with emotional and relational health. Read it twice.
— Matt Barnhill M.A., CART, director of Barnhill and Associates Counseling Centers